Methods to Fabricate High Density Feedthroughs with Hermetic Seals

Any sort of implant, whether a pacemaker, deep brain stimulator pulse generator, or cortical implant, must be hermetically sealed to both protect the internal electronics of the device from the surrounding corrosive biological environment, and protect the patient from the potential toxicity of the electronics components.

The central challenge of any implant is to hermetically seal the electronic components, while maintaining sufficient feedthrough channels for external electronic communication. Typically, as the task complexity of a device increases, more feedthroughs are required. However, for each feedthrough, many surface-surface interfaces are introduced, each of which is a potential point of hermetic failure and leakage.

MULTI-ELECTRODE NEURAL PROTHESIS SYSTEM (IL12575, US Patent Application US2016/0030753)

This invention entails a hermetically sealed electronics package of a multi-electrode neural prosthesis system, where the sealed enclosure communicates with external components via feedthroughs. The feedthrough density is increased, however, via signal demultiplexing prior to feedthrough submission.

This invention improves performance of long-term wireless, implantable devices by increasing signal density via demultiplexing. Additionally, this reduces the overall electronics package size, which is especially important in neural implants. The demultiplexing also reduces wireless data/power telemetry limitations.

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